
Amano Shrimp Magic: Discover the Algae-Clearing Wonders [5 Essential Facts!]

Amano Shrimp in Freshwater Aquarium

Title: Discover the Tranquil Beauty of Amano Shrimp in Your Aquascape


Amano Shrimp, named after the renowned aquarist Takashi Amano, have indeed carved a niche for themselves in the ever-evolving world of aquascaping. Their petite, translucent bodies gracefully gliding through the water have a way of captivating the eyes and hearts of aquascaping enthusiasts like myself. Now, beyond the serene aesthetics they lend to our aquatic assemblages, these algae-eating shrimp hold a place of paramount importance in the ecosystem of a tank.

Let’s take a minute to appreciate the vibrant aesthetic they add to our aquaria. The delicate, almost whimsical appearance of Amano Shrimp adds a layer of intrigue and beauty to the underwater scene. As they dart around the foliage, their nimble bodies catching the light, they create a live painting that’s ever-changing, ever-enthralling.

Now, transitioning from their aesthetic appeal to their functional role, Amano Shrimp are nothing short of a boon. Their reputation as diligent algae-eaters precedes them in the aquarist community. They tirelessly scour the tank, feasting on unwanted algae, thereby playing a crucial part in maintaining a clean and healthy environment for other aquatic inhabitants. It’s a natural cleaning service we all appreciate, making the tank a better home for every resident.

As we venture further into this post, we’ll delve deeper into the delightful world of Amano Shrimp. Together, we’ll explore various facets of their existence, shedding light on their size, care requirements, the intricacies involved in breeding, and the pricing aspect. Besides, we’ll touch on some exciting variations, like the elusive blue Amano Shrimp, which are a rare but awe-inspiring sight to behold.

So, whether you’re a seasoned aquarist or someone newly enchanted by the charm of underwater gardening, there’s something in the coming sections to pique your interest. So, let’s delve deeper into these algae-eating wonders, and who knows, you might just find your next favorite aquarium companion!

Amano Shrimp Quick Reference Table:

SpeciesAmano Shrimp
Size1.5 to 2 inches
DietPrimarily algae
BreedingDifficult, requires brackish water
Price Range$2 to $3 per shrimp
Tank Size RequirementAt least 10 gallons
Preferred Tank SetupPlanted, with plenty of hiding spots
Amano Shrimp Quick Reference Table

Amano Shrimp Size and Appearance:

When it comes to adding a touch of visual intrigue to your aquatic setup, the Amano shrimp size certainly plays a pivotal role. As adults, they gracefully stretch to a length of 1.5 to 2 inches, becoming a noticeable and delightful addition to your aquatic realm. Their modest size allows them to glide effortlessly through the water, often stopping to explore the lush greenery, or to engage in a gentle dance with the water currents.

Now, let’s delve a little deeper into their enchanting appearance, shall we? The first thing you’ll notice is their almost ethereal translucent bodies. This unique feature provides a canvas, akin to a clear, serene lake, reflecting the soft hues of the surrounding environment. As they traverse through the water, you’ll witness a myriad of delicate colors shimmering across their bodies, creating a mesmerizing spectacle that captivates the observer. It’s akin to witnessing a live, moving painting within the confines of your aquarium.

But there’s more to this visual symphony. As the Amano shrimp venture near green foliage or driftwood, the hues morph subtly, reflecting their surroundings in a soft, subtle play of colors. It’s this ever-changing, live color palette that makes the Amano shrimp an artist’s muse of sorts. Every movement they make, every gentle sway, brings forth a new shade, a new pattern, making the viewing experience akin to a soothing, visual melody.

Their delicate, almost whimsical appearance brings a sense of calm and beauty to the otherwise bustling aquatic life. Moreover, their incessant exploration around the tank, with their long, slender legs delicately skimming the water, evokes a sense of serene curiosity. It’s a gentle reminder of the calm yet curious nature of exploration, a trait that resonates with many aquascapers.

So, the next time you find yourself lost in the tranquil motions of Amano shrimp in your tank, take a moment to appreciate the gentle cascade of colors that accompany their every move, adding a touch of living art to your aquascape.

Algae Eating Shrimp: A Natural Cleaner

It’s no secret that a flourishing aquascape requires a delicate balance. And within this balanced environment, Amano Shrimp emerge as the unsung heroes, tirelessly working behind the scenes. One of the compelling reasons why I, along with numerous aquarists, find myself enchanted by these little creatures lies in their insatiable appetite for algae. These algae shrimp are akin to nature’s own cleanup crew, gracefully scouring every nook and cranny of the tank, ensuring it remains as pristine as the serene landscapes they portray.

As they glide through the calm waters, Amano Shrimp get right to work, nibbling away at unwanted algae with a sense of purpose that’s almost poetic. It’s a soothing spectacle, watching them gently sway with the currents, while contributing tirelessly to a cleaner, healthier tank. Each gentle nibble is a step towards maintaining an algae-free environment, showcasing their natural inclination towards cleanliness. It’s not just about the aesthetics, although a clear, algae-free tank is a sight to behold. It’s about promoting a balanced ecosystem where every inhabitant thrives.

The diligence of Amano Shrimp in algae control is nothing short of remarkable. Their efficiency is a boon, significantly aiding in the maintenance of a balanced ecosystem within the aquascape. They are not merely passengers in this aquatic journey; they are active participants, contributing to a healthier, more vibrant aquatic home. And in doing so, they embody the essence of a self-sustaining aquascape.

Their role as natural cleaners resonates with the essence of aquascaping – creating a slice of nature’s tranquility within our own spaces. And as they carry out their daily routine, Amano Shrimp teach us a silent lesson in diligence and co-existence. They remind us that every creature, no matter how small, plays a part in the grand scheme of things, contributing to the harmony that makes an aquascape more than just an aquarium, but a self-contained, thriving ecosystem.

So, as the sun casts a gentle glow on the calm waters of your tank, highlighting the serene dance of the Amano Shrimp, you come to appreciate the simple yet profound impact of these humble algae eaters. In their silent, graceful manner, they keep the aquascape a welcoming, clean haven for all its residents, adding a layer of tranquility to the already peaceful ambiance. The charm of Amano Shrimp extends beyond their appearance, delving into a realm of natural balance and serene coexistence.

Breeding Amano Shrimp: A Glimpse into the Process:

Embarking on the journey of breeding Amano Shrimp can indeed be a fascinating yet intricate endeavor. Achieving a pregnant Amano shrimp is your first sign of triumph, yet it merely marks the beginning of a detailed, controlled process. Unlike the breeding conditions of other freshwater shrimps, Amano Shrimp larvae have a unique requirement – they thrive in brackish water, a mix of freshwater and saltwater, to develop into mature, healthy shrimps. This distinctive requirement nudges us towards creating a dedicated breeding setup that can cater to their developmental needs.

Now, let’s delve a little deeper into the nuances of this process. The initial phase involves preparing a breeding tank with precise salinity levels, replicating the brackish water conditions. This can be achieved by adding marine salt mix to the freshwater, ensuring a specific gravity of around 1.010 to 1.025. It’s crucial to maintain a vigilant eye on the salinity levels, adjusting them as needed to provide the optimal environment for the larvae.

Transitioning from the breeding to the nurturing phase, once the eggs hatch, the delicate larvae embark on their developmental journey. During this period, it’s essential to provide them with appropriate food, like microalgae and newly hatched brine shrimp, which offer the nourishment needed for healthy growth.

As time meanders, with meticulous care and the right conditions, these larvae will metamorphose into juvenile shrimps. Once they reach this stage, transitioning them back to freshwater conditions is the next step. Gradually lowering the salinity over a period of several days allows these juvenile shrimps to acclimate to the freshwater conditions, a vital step before introducing them to your main aquascape.

In conclusion, breeding Amano Shrimp encapsulates the beauty of nurturing life, albeit with a touch of complexity. The dedicated setup, precise salinity control, and the gradual transition from brackish to freshwater conditions are pivotal for successful breeding. While it might seem a tad daunting initially, the joy of watching a thriving colony of Amano Shrimp gracefully maneuvering through your aquatic setup is a rewarding experience that overshadows the intricacies involved in the breeding process.

The world of Amano Shrimp breeding is a meticulous one, but with a dash of patience and the right guidance, it’s an endeavor well worth the effort. So, as you venture into this captivating aspect of aquascaping, remember, the beauty of the process lies in the journey as much as in the successful thriving of the shrimps you have nurtured.

Amano Shrimp Price: An Affordable Choice:

With an average Amano shrimp price range of $2 to $3 per shrimp, incorporating these diligent cleaners into your aquascape is an affordable endeavor. Their low price point, coupled with their significant benefits, makes them a popular choice among aquarists.

Creating the Ideal Home: Amano Shrimp Tank Size and Setup

Embarking on the delightful journey of setting up a haven for your Amano Shrimp begins with choosing the right tank size. The recommended Amano shrimp tank size is at least 10 gallons. This ample space allows these diligent foragers to roam freely, scavenge for food, and flourish. Now, let’s transition into setting the stage for a thriving shrimp community.

Yamato shrimp, Amano Shrimp, Caridina multidentata

A well-planted tank is akin to a wonderland for Amano Shrimp. It not only mimics their natural habitat but creates a plethora of hiding spots, which are crucial for their wellbeing. These hiding spots provide a sanctuary for your shrimp, especially during molting periods when they are at their most vulnerable.

Moreover, incorporating a variety of aquatic plants enhances the aesthetics of your aquarium while contributing to a healthier ecosystem. Plants like Java Moss, Anubias, and Ferns are excellent choices as they offer the shrimp ample cover and foraging opportunities. The symbiosis between the shrimp and the plants is truly a sight to behold as they work together in harmony to create a balanced environment.

Transitioning further into the setup, the substrate you choose is also a pivotal aspect. A darker substrate is often favored as it tends to bring out the colors of the Amano Shrimp more vividly. Additionally, it provides a contrasting backdrop against which the vibrant hues of your aquatic plants can pop, creating a visually appealing aquascape.

Let’s not forget about the water conditions. Amano Shrimp thrive in well-oxygenated water with a pH level ranging from 6.5 to 7.5. Investing in a good filtration system and a heater to maintain a stable temperature between 72 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit is wise. These gadgets ensure a clean, healthy, and comfortable environment for your shrimp.

Lighting is another factor that can not be overlooked. A moderate level of lighting not only showcases the serene beauty of your aquascape but also promotes plant growth, which in turn, provides more natural foraging grounds for your shrimp.

Lastly, a peaceful cohabitation with other non-aggressive tank mates such as small fish and snails, promotes a stress-free environment for your Amano Shrimp. This harmonious setup encourages natural behaviors, providing you with an authentic glimpse into the underwater world of Amano Shrimp.

In wrapping up, creating an ideal home for your Amano Shrimp is a blend of right tank size, lush planting, and maintaining optimal water conditions. Every element you introduce into your tank is a step towards creating a sanctuary where your Amano Shrimp can thrive and contribute to a picturesque aquatic realm that you can lose yourself in, day after day.

Amano Shrimp Tank Mates: Fostering a Harmonious Aquascape

When envisioning a thriving aquascape, the camaraderie among its residents is just as crucial as the physical environment. Amano Shrimp are peaceful and sociable creatures, making them excellent community tank residents. However, the key to ensuring a harmonious habitat lies in choosing tank mates that are non-aggressive and share similar environmental needs. Here’s a closer look at some suitable companions for your Amano Shrimp, and others to avoid.

Ideal Tank Mates:

Small and Peaceful Fish:

  • Species like Neon Tetras, Guppies, and Harlequin Rasboras are small, peaceful, and are less likely to see Amano Shrimp as a snack. They coexist well, adding a lively yet tranquil vibe to your aquarium.

Other Shrimp Species:

  • Other non-aggressive shrimp species such as Cherry Shrimp and Bamboo Shrimp can also share a home with Amano Shrimp. They have similar requirements and lifestyles, making them compatible roommates.


  • Snails like the Mystery Snail and Nerite Snail are not only compatible but beneficial companions. They join the Amano Shrimp in the clean-up crew, helping to keep the tank tidy.

Dwarf Crayfish:

  • Dwarf Crayfish are another peaceful crustacean that can comfortably share space with Amano Shrimp without any territorial disputes.

Tank Mates to Avoid:

Large and Aggressive Fish:

  • Species like Cichlids, Oscars, or large Barbs can pose a significant threat to your Amano Shrimp due to their predatory nature. It’s best to avoid any fish that has a mouth large enough to consume the shrimp.

Aggressive Invertebrates:

  • Some larger or more aggressive invertebrate species might also pose a threat. It’s wise to avoid any tank mate known for territorial aggression or predatory behaviors.

Ensuring that your Amano Shrimp have congenial neighbors not only creates a serene and visually appealing aquarium but also promotes a healthy, stress-free environment for all the residents. The tranquility of a well-balanced community tank offers a daily escape into an underwater utopia, making the effort to choose compatible tank mates well worth it. So, as you plan your community aquascape, consider the personalities and lifestyles of each prospective resident to foster a peaceful coexistence and let the natural beauty of your aquatic haven shine through.

A Splash of Color: Blue Amano Shrimp

While the classic Amano Shrimp is a charm, stepping into the realm of the rare Blue Amano Shrimp unveils a treasure trove for any aquarist. Now, let’s take a moment to appreciate the blend of tranquility and vibrancy they bring along. As someone who has always been enchanted by the eclectic palette of nature, discovering the Blue Amano Shrimp felt like stumbling upon a hidden gem in the heart of the aquatic world.

Their exquisite blue hue is not just a splash of color; it’s a narrative of elegance and mystery. With each gentle glide through the water, the Blue Amano Shrimp adds strokes of color, turning your aquatic setup into a living canvas. It’s a sight that not only captures the eye but enchants the soul.

Transitioning from the modest charm of the classic Amano to the vibrant allure of the Blue Amano is like switching from a monochrome film to a color motion picture. There’s a kind of magic that comes alive, a sort of visual melody that plays out through the gentle ripples of water. And it’s not just about the aesthetics; it’s about how these little creatures can transform an ordinary tank into a captivating underwater vista.

Their presence invites a sense of curiosity, a soft whisper to explore the endless possibilities within the hues of the aquatic spectrum. Each day, as the soft glow of the aquarium lights dance upon their blue bodies, it’s a visual symphony that never ceases to amaze.

Engaging with this whimsical side of aquascaping is not just rewarding; it’s a journey of endless discovery. Each Blue Amano Shrimp is a tale of nature’s creativity, a small yet profound reminder of the splendors that lie beneath the surface, waiting for us to uncover.

And as someone who’s been smitten by the allure of aquascaping, bringing home the Blue Amano Shrimp was like adding a touch of the extraordinary, a slice of the unseen blue, into my aquatic sanctuary. The tranquility they exude, juxtaposed with their vibrant hue, is a daily source of inspiration, urging me to explore deeper into this fascinating hobby.

So, if you’re looking to elevate your aquascaping adventure, the Blue Amano Shrimp could just be the perfect companion to unveil a new dimension of beauty and wonder within your aquatic realm.

5 Must-Know Facts About Amano Shrimp

  1. Exceptional Algae Eaters:
    Amano Shrimp are renowned for their algae-eating capabilities. They tirelessly scour the tank to feed on algae, keeping your aquatic setup clean and visually appealing.
  2. Peaceful Tank Mates:
    Known for their peaceful temperament, Amano Shrimp get along well with other non-aggressive tank mates. Their presence creates a harmonious environment in your aquascape.
  3. Distinctive Appearance:
    With a size ranging from 1.5 to 2 inches, their translucent bodies exhibit subtle color variations, making them a delightful sight as they glide through the water.
  4. Breeding Complexity:
    Achieving a pregnant Amano Shrimp is a complex feat. Unlike other freshwater shrimps, Amano Shrimp require brackish water for successful breeding, making their propagation a challenging yet rewarding endeavor.
  5. Long Lifespan:
    A well-cared-for Amano Shrimp can thrive for up to 2 to 3 years in your tank. Their long lifespan compared to other shrimp species makes them a long-term companion in your aquatic journey.

These intriguing facts underscore why Amano Shrimp are a cherished addition to aquascapes. Their unique characteristics not only add visual appeal but contribute significantly to the ecosystem within your tank.


Amano Shrimp are not only a beautiful addition to your aquascape but are diligent workers keeping your aquarium algae-free. Their size, ease of care, and affordability make them a favored choice among aquascaping aficionados. Dive into the serene underwater world by introducing Amano Shrimp to your aquatic haven and enjoy the tranquility they bring along.

We’d love to hear from you! Are you a seasoned aquarist with a love for Amano Shrimp or someone just starting to explore the aquatic world? Share your experiences, thoughts, or questions in the comments section below. Your insights could be the ripple that inspires another aquascape enthusiast. If you found this article enlightening or enjoyable, don’t hesitate to share it with your community. Let’s dive deeper into the aquascaping journey together!

Chad Latta

I have over 20 years in the aquarium hobby! My love for writing and passion for helping people have led me to bring you the most effective and up to date information possible, in a way that is easy to understand. Enjoy!

View Comments

  • The lifespan of the Amano shrimp mentioned on various websites is grossly under-estimated and should be corrected. I bought 3 females and 1 male in the late '90's and kept them in a full glass aquarium with internal filter using an airlift (sophisticated pumps were not available yet) and freshwater 'moss' collected from wooden bollards in a local canal. Occasionally thet rteceived fish flakes but for most of the time they had to do with the moss and detritus in the tank. They lived in that aquarium for some 13 years and their demise was solely due to a leak in the tank (the 30+year old silicon had eventually disintegrated).

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