Shrimp Care Guides

The Ultimate Cherry Shrimp Care Guide

Cherry Shrimp have become a popular choice in the freshwater aquarium hobby. Also known as Red Cherry Shrimp and Fire Shrimp, Their vibrant color and ease of care make them a popular choice. They also play a beneficial role in the aquarium, helping to keep your tank clean by scavenging for debris and algae.

In this comprehensive Cherry Shrimp care guide, we will go over care requirements, breeding tips and more. 

Cherry Shrimp lifespan, coloring and size

Known scientifically as Neocaridina Davidi, Cherry Shrimp grow to an average size of 1 to 1.5 inches and range from a light pink to a deep red. Females tend to be a bit larger and more colorful, with an orange saddle below their tail (to hold their eggs). When taken care of properly, Cherry Shrimp can live up to 2-3 years!

There are differing grades breeders use to distinguish quality. When buying Cherry Shrimp, pricing can vary depending on the grade. Expect to pay between $3.99 and $8.99 with the highest priced being the highest grades.

Cherry Shrimp

Recommended water parameters

PH Levels of between 6.5 and 8 are ideal. A temperature of 68-78°F (20-26°C) is preferred and as always, keep your tank clean and nitrate levels low. Neocaridina Shrimp are very sensitive to ammonia, so be sure to cycle your tank before adding any shrimp. Cherry Shrimp prefer a water hardness of around 100-200ppm.

Recommended tank size and setup

Cherry Shrimp do best in at least 5 gallons. Anything smaller and you risk overcrowding and unstable water parameters. A dark substrate, such as Fluval Stratum, is a very popular choice as the dark color contrasts nicely again the Cherry Shrimps vibrant colors!

Plants such as pearl weed help maintain healthy water parameters by soaking up excess nitrates and provides shelter for shrimp and shrimp fry. Ceramic shelters provide a safe space for shrimp to hang out and encourages breeding.

Cherry Shrimp Diet and Feeding

Shrimp diets usually consist of algae and biofilm. Blanched vegetables such as cucumber and zucchini are also favorites among freshwater shrimp. Chula wood not only provides shelter, but a surface for biofilm to grow.

Commercial shrimp food is also a great option for providing the nutrients your Cherry Shrimp need to stay healthy and thrive.

Cherry Shrimp only need to be fed a couple of times a week. Be careful not to over feed your shrimp. Excessive feeding can lead to increased organic matter and poor water quality.

Breeding Cherry Shrimp

Breeding Cherry Shrimp is pretty straightforward. Start with at least 5-6 Cherry Shrimp. Maintaining consistent water parameters is key. Specific parameters are not important as long as they are consistent.

provide your shrimp with plenty of shelter and nutrients. This abundance will trigger them to breed, knowing they have plenty of food, and the shelter helps them to feel secure and protected

Female shrimp usually breed after molting. Once berried (or pregnant), Cherry Shrimp can carry 20-30 eggs under their tales for 30 days or so before hatching.

For a more comprehensive guide to breeding, check out our Neocaridina Shrimp breeding guide.

Common Health Issues and Solutions

A common sign of stress in Cherry Shrimp is color fading, lethargy and reduced feeding. Once active shrimp who are now slow to move about and don’t seem to be grazing as much could be suffering from stress. Check your water parameters, making sure to keep your tank clean and consistent.

Mineral deficiency is also a common problem among all freshwater shrimp. Cherry Shrimp prefer water hardness of 100-200ppm. Using a product such as the Weco Wonder Shell reduces the chance of mineral deficiencies and is as easy as placing one in your tank once a month.

Compatibility with Other Aquarium Inhabitants

Due to their peaceful nature, Cherry Shrimp can coexist with many other peaceful tank mates and other dwarf shrimp. Neon Tetras, Ember Tetras, Oto Cats and Harlequin Rasboras make great options. As always, keep an eye on your tank inhabitants and look our for any agressive behaviors.


Keeping Cherry Shrimp can be a joy when the right conditions are met. Their ease of breeding and easy-going attitude make them the perfect freshwater shrimp for beginners and experienced aquarist alike.

We Want to Hear From You!

Do you have any success stories, tips, hints, or problems you have encountered in keeping your cherry shrimp? Share your experiences in the comments below!

Chad Latta

I have over 20 years in the aquarium hobby! My love for writing and passion for helping people have led me to bring you the most effective and up to date information possible, in a way that is easy to understand. Enjoy!

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